Friday, December 10, 2010

Looking toward 2011

What's in store for Alterity Productions in 2011?

Well, before the end of winter we will premier our short film, SHC.

In the next couple months we've got some web promo vids on our plate along with a music video for Katie Powderly. We will also be editing our first ~Demo Reels~ to highlight the work we've done thus far.

And if you've heard of kickstarter, you might have noticed how much a video can help someone's cause. We have gotten a few requests for kickstarter videos so we've been researching different styles/techniques. If you have a creative project idea for which you need funds, consider Alterity Productions to help you get started!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Reflections on 2010

What kept Alterity Productions busy this past year? Well... April-Dec. we were consumed with the production of SHC and we've learned SO MUCH about filmmaking along the way!

We organized a fundraiser during pre-production with contributions from over 50 local businesses in Madison. We found and borrowed, rented, or bought props, furniture, wardrobe, make-up, locations, equipment, etc. from another hundred or so friends, family, and businesses.

More than a handful of people volunteered their time, money, and/or property for making SHC and we are grateful to everyone for the help! Check out the blog here:

Throughout the year we also managed to produce a couple promo vids for Madison Media Institute and we finished our first music video back in February for The Kentucky Waterfalls, called The Real Me. As a side project, Melissa produced some videos for Melissa Simonson, a local singer/songwriter.